Webinar: Stewardship That Cultivates Rabid Fans


Join us live on Thursday, August 15 at Noon CST!

Jon and Becky are honored to share their best tips for using stewardship to cultivate deep fans of your mission on the Association of Donor Relations Professionals webinar series. Follow the link below to secure your spot!

Webinar Description:

Has your employee given campaign fallen into a rut with tired stewardship, same ole' benefits and predictable donor relations tactics? We get it! Not all of us come from 100-person shops with bottomless budgets. We want to explore how we can transform the way you thank, steward, communicate, and cultivate enthusiasm and crazy loyalty from those closest to your mission. In this session, we'll explore Treating Employees Like Donors, Upping your Stewardship Game, Empowering Beneficiaries to Be the Captain of their Stewardship Programs, Leveraging Creative Multimedia Channels to Say Thanks, and Exploring Non-Traditional Employees who can Translate into your Biggest Fans! And you can do it all without breaking your budget or your back. Employee giving is the bedrock of any organization's annual giving program and can launch a renewed culture of philanthropy at your organization. Let's fall back in love with thanking our colleagues, and likewise, have them fall back in love with your mission. [insert fist bump]

Did you join us on the webinar? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!